Thursday, March 13, 2014

Feb 12 and 13

This project is a review of paper weaving from last year.  Students worked on a  concentric heart shape.
The project of two identical images of a Saguaro cactus using complimentary colors to be woven is challenging. The students have to be cognizant of sequence of pieces of paper cut.

Students will print on blue fabric several grid patterns using liturgical symbols created from foam shapes on a block of wood. This is a complex project that taps into several learning skills such as sequence, inverted spatial reasoning, patterns, etc.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Feb 26 and 27

I brought a sun catcher mosaic into class to show students.  Students observed/explained about the negative spaces they saw in the sun catcher. After discussion, students began work on a final paper mosaic project. The objectives are for them to retain negative space between each of their color splashes of color and secondly to conform their “tiles” to convey their imagery.
Students completed their complimentary weavings of Saguaro Cactus. This project proved to be more difficult for some more than others. The weaving was not difficult but being organized to retain the image of a Saguaro Cactus was more difficult for students who are not sequential in their thinking.

Students finished the gluing of their liturgical symbols on their block of wood. They explored using bleach on paper to create different grid patterns to find the one they want for their fabric.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jan 29 and Jan 30

Students finished the texture rubbing collage piece of vase and flowers. Our next area of exploration is shape. Today the focus was to build pictures just using foam shapes. The imagination gets stretched when all you have are circles and have to figure out how to build a rocket ship.  The students created categories of possible ideas to create from animals to humanoid forms.....minions were a big hit....Despicable Me must have been on the movie watching list for some.

A unit on negative and positive space was started. Looked at how negative space can be a positive design element in the creation of a simple composition. They created very cute houses with a heart theme. Look for them coming home......maybe in the form of a valentine card (’s a secret)

Moving into a unit on printmaking, we started with looking at the concept of positive and negative space. Students created beautiful black and white designs that tested their spatial awareness. The end product will be making printed fabric using bleach on blue quilt weight fabric. Look for an email with information on this project. The students are very excited about what this will be when finished.  

Jan 22 and Jan 23

The focus this week was TEXTURE. Students went on a texture hunt all over the art room. When a texture was found they did a crayon rubbing. The texture rubbings will be transformed into a collage piece of vases and flowers.
3/4 Lisa Call quilt squares based on a curved line and straight-line structure with a common color palette was the focus of the work today. The work turned out beautifully. Make sure you stop by the art room during Catholic Schools Week to check them out.

The Portraits are finished!! Halleluiah!! I am so impressed with the work that the students did. It was a tough project and regardless of the finished product, they learned SO much. Come by during Catholic Schools Week to see some of their efforts.   

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan 15 and 16

Hard to believe that the month of January is already half over.....whew! School will be out before we know it.
Drawing straight lines with a ruler takes practice. That’s what students worked on in art today. The skills were: where to put your hand so the ruler does not slip and how to press the pencil against the ruler. Also practiced drawing large circles to create negative shapes in which to fill with color.
Students worked with some of the classifications in color, specifically warm and cool colors along with dark, middle and light values. This lesson works right in to looking at Lisa Call’s work.
Students are winding up their portrait. They still have an evaluation to complete before moving to a new area of study. I have seen some wonderful examples of student understanding of values and facial feature placement